Tuesday, December 6, 2011

InterpretAmerica Participates in Supreme Court Amicus Brief

InterpretAmerica is proud to announce that Co-President Barry Olsen has contributed to an amicus curiae brief for a case currently before Supreme Court. The case, Kouichi Taniguchi v. Kan Pacific Saipan, Ltd., is one of vital importance to both the translation and interpreting industries. The Court, in short, is being asked to determine whether there is a difference between translation and interpreting as professions. If you want to receive a copy of the brief, send us an email at info@interpretamerica.net and we will send you the PDF file

In our mission to help raise the profile of interpreting, nothing could be more important than helping clarify for the highest court in the land the distinct professional practices and skills sets required to practice translation and interpreting.

The National Association of Judiciary Interpreters and Translators has also supplied an amicus brief for this crucial issue. Their brief can be viewed at: http://www.najit.org/documents/amicusbrief.pdf

Take a moment to review these important documents and spread the word about this historic case for our industry currently in front of the Supreme Court.